Winter Warehouse Cricket

2025 Season

All cricket registrations are now done via the PlayHQ platform. For a Fact Sheet with some background information and checklists for registering players, click here.

Information for 2025:

Online regisrations for both junior and senior players who wish to play in the WCA Winter competition for 2025 are now open in February 2025.

Questions can be sent via email to [email protected]

Registrations can be made via PlayHQ via the links below:



For instructions on how to register via PlayHQ, click here.

The season starts for Junior and Senior Saturday competitions on the 3rd of May 2025 and concludes with finals in August 2025.

For Sunday competitions, the season starts on the 4th of May 2025 (group A) and the 11th of May (group B) playing alternate Sundays throughout the season (7 fixtures).

Team nominations are due by the 29th of March 2025. Coaches and captains, please have your team lists forwarded to Lincoln Jones at your earliest convenience.

Note that while we can request a team be placed in your chosen grade, the club does not have any influence over the WCA’s grading decisions.

As for last year, umpire fees will be $70 per team per match day (that is, if you play a two-day match, each team will pay $70 umpire fees for each day of the match). Umpire fees are payable when an offical umpire is allocated to your match – you do not have to pay umpire fees if there is no offical WCA umpire.


Covid-19 remains a concern to the health authorities and everyone playing in Warehouse Cricket should also respect that concern and play their part in keeping everyone in our state safe.

Sign-on day:

There is no longer a sign-on day for Winter Warehouse. Cricket Australia has moved to online registrations and the club is also using this method for all players to register.

Registrations can be made via



Payment options:

All registrations and payments must be done through PlayHQ by following one of the links above. Fees for each group are listed below.

Note that all registrations now include the National Registration Fee (NRF) which is paid by players only. It includes the player insurance, PlayHQ fee and Community Apps fee. This is an annual fee covering players for two consecutive seasons, e.g. Winter 2025 and Summer 2025/26 or Summer 2024/25 and Winter 2025. So if you pay the fee as part of your registration for Winter, it will not be charged when you register with your club for Summer.

Competition Details:


Ages: Under 12 to Under 16. Teams are graded by age and then according to ability/skill levels. Refer to age eligibility below:

Parents please note, there is no break for school holidays, that is, the competition continues during school holidays (28/29th June, 5/6th July and 12/13th July).

Matches are played on Saturdays and are played at a variety of north-side venues such as Brendale, Bardon, Dakabin, Burpengary, Ferny Grove, Albany Hills, Marchant Park and 7th Brigade Park (again, dependent on the teams in your draw).

The WCA endeavours to run separate north-side and south-side competitions where possible, but this depends upon the number of teams nominating, so there is always the slight possibility that some travel to south-side venues may be required. The majority of matches are played on synthetic pitches but junior teams may also get an occasional game on turf throughout the season.

Age Eligibility:
The WCA uses the same age eligibility criteria as BNJCA, for example, if a player is playing U12 in the current summer season, that player is eligible to play U12 in winter. As a general rule, the WCA will permit players to play ‘up in age’ two years beyond their age eligibility, if ability allows. They also make allowances for any female players wishing to play ‘down in age’ and also will look favourably at cases where BNJCA have previously given permission for players to play in a lower age-group. We will not accept registration for any player younger than 9 years of age.

Playing conditions:
Games commence at 11.45am and conclude at 4.35pm. Each day’s play is a minimum of 70 overs in duration – each team’s first innings is limited to a maximum of 70 overs for two-day games, that is, compulsory closure after 70 overs, to ensure at least a first innings result is achieved. One-day games are 35 overs per side. The rules for each age group vary slightly with regard to bowling restrictions etc., but are very similar to those used in the BNJCA competition.

Standard of Cricket:
The standard that can be expected amongst most winter teams would rank somewhere between a strong summer club team and a BNJCA development team. The longer format of the game (70 overs per day) has proven to be beneficial for our participating junior cricketers, as it allows batsmen to build an innings, bowlers to build up pressure when bowling and fielders to improve their levels of concentration.

Playing Uniform:
ACCC summer players will be expected to wear their club shirts. It is not compulsory for players joining us for winter from other clubs or school teams to purchase ACCC gear, although we have found over previous years that most players prefer to wear the same outfit as their team-mates and eventually purchase a club shirt and cap. Club shirts ($30), hats ($20) and caps ($15) are available for purchase by arrangement, or can be purchased via the MyCricket registration page. Some winter afternoons can become quite cool when the westerlies are blowing, so a sleeveless sweater can be a worthwhile purchase.

Usually held at the Brendale nets one afternoon/evening per week (coach to advise team of day and time). We are aware that some of our players may be travelling from areas outside of Brisbane and/or may be competing in other sports over winter, and that there will be inevitable clashes and/or school commitments which may prevent attendance at games or training. Please advise your coach in advance when you are unable to attend a game or a training session.


For Saturday teams, 1- and 2-day games will be played throughout the season, usually dependent on the number of teams in your grade. The season starts on the 3rd of May 2025. Semi-finals will be played on the 16th and 23rd of August, with grand finals on the 30th and 31st of August.

For Sunday teams, the season commences on the 4th of May for group A, and the 11th of May for group B. Semi-finals will be played on the 10th of August, with grand finals on the 17th of August. Games commence at 10:00 am and consist of 50 overs per team. Games usually finish by 4:30 pm.

For Saturday competitions, semi finals this year will be played on the 16th and 23rdof August, with the grand finals played on the 30th and 31st of August.

For Sunday competitions (groups A and B) semi finals are played on the 10th of August, while the grand finals are played on the 17th of August.


Note all registration fees in the following table are inclusive of the National Registration Fee (NRF), which is paid by players only. It includes the player insurance, PlayHQ fee and Community Apps fee. This is an annual fee covering players for two consecutive seasons, e.g. Winter 2025 and Summer 2025/26 or Summer 2024/25 and Winter 2025. So if you pay the fee as part of your registration for winter, it will not be charged when you register with your club for summer. The NRF is currently $22.50. The prices below include this.

Junior Saturday Teams $241.00
Senior Saturday Teams $182.50
Senior Sunday Teams $130.00
Juniors wishing to compete in senior competitions must pay senior fees $As above
Hawks playing shirt (white) $30.00
Hawks baggy playing cap $15.00
Hawks supporter’s cap $15.00
Hawks broad-brimmed cricket hat $20.00

Playing fees for junior competitions includes grounds and match ball fees. Umpire fees are NOT included, and cost $70 per team per game day (approximately $6.50 per player).

Playing fees for senior competitions includes match ball fees. Grounds and umpire fees are not included. Umpire fees cost $70 per team per game day, grounds fees are based on the type of pitch and are as follows:

Synthetic Turf
Senior Saturday One-day game $145.00 $170.00
Two-day game $22=30.00 $310.00
Senior Sunday One-day game only $145.00 $170.00
Juniors One-day game $110.00 $135.00
Two-day game $160.00 $220.00
Sunday T20 Kianawah Park $90.00