Healy Cup 2019

This year’s Healy Cup was run between the 7th and 11th of January, with Met South West Blue the victors! Congratulations MSW Blue.

This year the Cup’s patron and namesake, Ian Healy, came along for the presentation ceremony on Friday afternoon.

Here’s a few photos of the action….

The Healy Cup, freshly polished and ready for presentation.
Finals action, day 5
L to R: Steve Casey, Hawks’ President; Mr. Ian Healy; Bruce Boland, BNJCA Secretary; Ian Reeves, BNJCA President
Heals chats to the Cricket Far North boys.
Eddie and Kathy take a well-deserved break before proceedings begin.
Enraptured crowd…
More enraptured crowd…
Heals addressing the crowd
… and my number one tip is, “soft hands”…
Heals presenting the individual certificates
MSW coach Chris Hockey
Heals presents his cup to the winners
2019 Healy Cup winners, Met South West Blue!
The main cup stays on display at the Hawks’ clubhouse, while the winners get a smaller version to keep.

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